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Off-road motorbike insurance

Whether it's for a scrambler or a dirt bike, get off-road cover for all your motorbike needs

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  • Get limited mileage cover to help reduce costs

  • Get motocross cover as an optional add-on

  • We compare up to 41 motorbike insurance providers1

1Correct as of February 2025

How does off-road motorbike insurance work?

Off-road insurance is an optional feature you can add to a standard motorbike insurance policy.

Where a standard motorbike policy covers you for riding on the road, off-road insurance covers you for your using your dirt bike or scrambler off road.

Even though it's not a legal requirement to be insured off-road, it's worth considering. Without it, you have to pay the repair costs for any accidents you have.

If you're looking for off-road cover you can contact your current motorbike insurance provider and ask for it to be added on. Or you can add it onto a new policy when comparing motorbike insurance quotes.

Do off-road bikes need insurance?

If you ride your dirt bike, scrambler or motocross bike purely off road, you don't need motorbike insurance.

However, if you ever ride your motorbike on a public road, you must have motorbike insurance.

If you're caught riding on a public road without valid insurance, you face:

  • 3-6 points on your licence
  • A fine of up to £1,000
  • A potential disqualification from riding

Compare off road motorbike insurance quotes

What does off-road motorbike insurance cover?

Off-road insurance acts as added cover on top of a standard motorbike insurance policy. So you enjoy all the benefits of motorbike insurance with added protection for your off-road ride. When comparing quotes, you should look for policies that include:

  • Personal accident cover
  • Accidental damage cover
  • Legal expenses
  • Breakdown cover
  • Transit cover
  • Limited mileage cover

Personal accident cover is designed to provide a pay out if you’re seriously injured or die in an accident

Accidental damage cover protects you against injury or damage to someone else or their property where you're deemed at fault

Legal expenses helps you with legal costs and compensation if you're sued

Breakdown cover means you're covered if your off-road bike breaks down and you're unable to get home

Transit cover protects your motorbike if it gets damaged while being transported in a truck or trailer.

Limited mileage cover, as off-road bikers tend to cover fewer miles than traditional bikers. A limited mileage policy reflects this, reducing your insurance costs.

What are the different levels of cover?

A standard motorbike insurance policy comes in 3 levels of cover:

Third-party covers damage to other people, their vehicles and property after an accident. According to our data, the average cost for this policy is £572*.

Third-party, fire and theft offers the same benefits as third-party but also covers your motorbike if it's stolen or damaged by fire. On average, the average cost for this policy is 483*.

Comprehensive insurance offers the highest level of protection. It covers the costs to repair or replace your motorbike if it’s damaged in an accident. On average, a comprehensive policy costs £362*.

*Based on average premiums paid by Confused.com customers, March 2024

What our motorbike insurance expert says

"It's worth considering accidental damage and personal accident cover. Due to the high risk nature of motocross or using a dirt bike in general, make sure you're properly covered for any accidents."
Louise Thomas, Motor Insurance Expert at Confused.com
Motor Insurance Expert Confused.com logo

Will it cover me for motocross?

An off-road insurance policy doesn't normally cover you for motocross events.

Motocross bike insurance - or motorbike track day insurance - is an add-on that you can include with a standard motorbike policy.

It covers you for any damage to your motorbike or damage you inflict on another motorbike during race events, but it’s not a legal requirement.

Not all motorbike insurance providers offer motocross insurance, and you might need to go to a specialist insurer to get it.

Where can I ride my dirt bike legally?

If you don't have any kind of insurance, you can only ride your dirt bike on:

  • Private land that you own
  • Land where you have the owner's permission
  • Dedicated off-road tracks

Not having any kind of insurance means you can't ride your off-road motorbike on:

  • Any kind of public road
  • Unclassified country roads (UCRs)
  • Byways open to all traffic (BOATs)

Do I have to register my motorbike with the DVLA?

If you only use your motorbike off-road, registering it isn't a legal requirement. However, there are benefits. If your motorbike is stolen, having it registered makes it easier to find. You can register your off-road motorbike for free on the GOV.UK site.

How can I lower the cost of off-road motorbike insurance?

Looking to save some money on your insurance? Here are some tips:

  • Shop around
  • Limited mileage cover
  • Increase security
  • Consider a less powerful motorbike
  • Increasing your voluntary excess
  • Improve your riding skills

Shop around. Comparing quotes could save you money in just a few minutes. If you've compared motorcycle insurance with us before, it's even quicker.

Limited mileage cover is something some insurers offer with a cheaper policy as off-road bikers tend to rack up less miles than standard ones.

Increase security for your motorbike. Using extra security measures like an alarm or immobiliser could help you save money.

Consider a less powerful motorbike. Bigger engines tend to cause more expensive claims so changing to a different type of motorbike could help.

Increasing your voluntary excess could help reduce insurance costs. Just make sure you can afford to pay the amount if you made a claim.

Improve your riding skills by taking advanced training courses. This shows you're a safer rider and should be at a lower risk of getting into an accident.

What do I need to get a quote?

We'll need to know a few things about your motorbike such as:

  • Your motorcycle's registration or it's make, model and year of manufacture
  • Your motorbike’s value
  • The date you bought the motorbike (you can still get a quote for a motorbike you haven’t bought yet)
  • Where you keep your motorbike when not in use
  • What security measures you've taken to secure it
  • Any modifications you’ve made to your motorbike

We’ll also need the following details about you:

  • The category of your motorbike licence
  • How long you've had your motorbike
  • Any optional extras you want to add on
  • How you plan on using your motorbike
  • Any convictions or claims you’ve had in the last 5 years
  • How many miles you expect to ride in a year
  • Details of any other riders who use your motorbike

Why choose Confused.com?

  • We were the first insurance comparison site, founded back in 2002. Since then we've helped million of people find better deals for their car, home, motorbike and van insurance.
  • We're fully regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as are all the insurance partners we work with. This means you can trust us to always put the cutomer first.
  • We aren't owned by any insurance companies which means we're 100% independant. When you look through our prices, we'll show you the best ones we can offer you.
  • We have a UK based customer support team to help you with anything you might need. Get in contact with us if you need any help.

How do I make a claim on my dirt bike insurance?

To make a claim, you need to:

  • Call your motorbike insurance provider and give them the details of the claim
  • If you motorbike has been stolen, give them the crime reference number
  • Submit any photos, receipts and witness statements if you've been involved in an accident

Motorbike guides

Types of bike insurance

Confused.com motorbike insurance is administered by Vast Visibility Ltd who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under firm reference number 566973. Vast Visibility Ltd is registered in England & Wales No. 05866769 at office: 8 Princes Parade, Liverpool, L3 1DL. Our service is free and compares a wide range of trusted household names. Confused.com is an intermediary and receives commission from Vast Visibility Ltd which is a percentage of the total commission if you decide to buy through our website. We pride ourselves on impartiality and independence – therefore we don't promote any one insurance provider over another.