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MOT check

Check the MOT status and history of a vehicle for free

Our free MOT check includes the current MOT expiry date and if it’s valid. You can also check the history of a vehicle’s MOT.

MOT Checker

Does my vehicle need an MOT?

If your vehicle is under 3 years old, it doesn’t need an MOT until the 3rd anniversary of its registration.

If it’s more than 3 years old, you can check its MOT status by using our free tool. Just enter the car’s registration number and we’ll tell you the current MOT expiry date.

If your car is over 40 years old it won't need an MOT.

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Need more help?

How much does an MOT cost?

The exact cost of an MOT will depend on your vehicle, but the maximum cost for a car is £54.85 and £29.65 for a standard motorbike. You can find a full breakdown of MOT costs on GOV.UK.

Can I drive my car without MOT if it is booked in?

No, it’s illegal to drive or park your car on the road if the MOT has run out. If your MOT is out of date, you can only drive it to or from your MOT test appointment.

Do I need a motorbike MOT?

Yes, you need a valid MOT for your motorbike. Just as with cars, most motorbike types over 3 years old need to have a valid MOT certificate.

This means you need to get them tested once a year to ensure the motorbike is roadworthy and fit to ride.

You can see whether your motorbike needs an MOT by using our MOT status checker.

An MOT certificate is a legal requirement, and you could be fined £1,000 if caught without one.

Without an MOT certificate, your motorbike insurance is likely to be invalid.

Page last reviewed: 16 July 2024

Reviewed by: [$louise-thomas]